Sunday, 3 June 2012

Dusty Old Blog

It's been a while since I've written a blogpost!
I'm actually rather lazy, writing a post that I would consider worth reading 
takes time, energy, and creativity; these don't always come to me at the right 
time in the right does T_T
However I shall try my best!

I will continue my series of blogposts on various make up items,
please be patient! I will get round to it :D

I've recently decided to change my style a little.
I have a very simple fashion style: striped tops, jeans,
booties, converse, t-shirts, occasionally dresses.
The simple yet clean cuts make for a comfortable, well put-together look,
but it can get a little boring at times.
Hence the change!
I've decided to settle for mode gyaru style.
I've been following Popteen gyaru styles for a while now,
the fashion always looks so cute and their eyes look so big and doe-like.
However, I'm not exactly a teenager anymore and although I'm only in my early 20s,
I just don't think I want to carry a sweetly adorable style.
That's when I found Mode gyaru fashion!
It's edgy, monochromatic, colourful yet simple, all at the same time!
It's also more mature and sleek, perfect for standing out amongst the
more common fashion that people sport in this city without
being overly extravagant.

Ena Mastumoto is probably the most popular gyaru who sports mode fashion
effortlessly. I'll leave you with a few of her outfits and make up looks,
I would show some of my own but I haven't had time to go shopping
and put together some outfits that are even remotely mode.

Gosh I love this look.
Mode make up generally includes a heavier eye, brighter lenses
and a brighter lip.
However there is a more natural version like the one below.

Just as pretty, just a little more suitable for daytime wear.

Flowy shirt, distressed shorts, hot booties and a purse that stands out <3

Although I personally wouldn't wear the trousers (a little too bright for me)
or the shoes (I'm a little iffy when it comes to transparent shoes), 
I do love how the pattern and colour of the trousers jazz up a simple
black top and cardigan. That splash of sparkle from the necklace is just 
perfect, too.
Elegantly simple but the chain adds edge.
This one is great when you don't have time to put something
elaborate together but still want to look sharp.

That's all for now!
I'll be back!


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