If you're looking for a simple remedy to help with any minor skin ailments you might have because of the change in weather (I'm currently writing this post in front of the fire because it's too cold for my liking and I haven't adjusted yet T_T), why don't you try this mask out? A simple concoction of natural yoghurt, honey and oats may give your skin the boost it needs to look fresh and glowing again.
Firstly, I apologise for the rubbish quality of these photographs. I decided to use my ipod touch without realising just how crap the quality of the camera is.
The ingredients are very simple, as mentioned above. Of course always use the organic versions if you can, but here I'm simply using Tesco's own brand natural yoghurt, ASDA's acacia honey and some oats I found in the cupboard.
Add half a tablespoon of ground oats, half a tablespoon of yoghurt and about half a teaspoon of honey. I didn't measure out the honey to be honest, it comes in a squeezy bottle.
Mix it all up and you'll end up with a porridge-like consistency. You can apply this mask straight to a cleansed face or leave it for a while to make sure the oats are softened. Leave for around 15 minutes or so then remove by using circular motions and some warm water before finally rinsing off. The mask should be good for two uses, so cover the rest and leave in the fridge for later.
After using this mask, my skin immediately looked a lot softer, pores less obvious and the texture was smoother. Heads up, my skin has broken out a little recently from a retinol cream hence the yoghurt stung my skin a little. If you have irritated skin like me, skip the yoghurt and honey, just soak the oats in a little warm water and apply the paste to your face.
Also, you may find you achieve better results if you used ground up oats. I used to use whole oats but the results were never as obvious as the results I saw today. It must be something to do with increasing the surface area and allowing more of the good stuff in oats to seep out. You can either buy ground up oats, use a food grinder or simply use a knife and a chopping board. I used a knife today, takes a little while but if you have nothing else better to do while watching TV...
Please try out this mask if your skin is looking a little flaky and dull, it costs hardly anything so you don't really have much to lose if it doesn't work out, but I'm pretty confident it will work a treat ^^